Planning reference202231FUL
Date received11 June 2020
StatusPlanning application
DescriptionDemolition and redevelopment of commercial premises
Proposed useResidential with ground floor commercial
Size of site0.136 ha
Number of buildings1
Building height(s)Part 12 and 19 storeys
Commercial floorspace362 m2 (2 units)
Number/type of housing units144 flats
Studio14 (10%)
1 bed51 (35%)
2 bed 66 (46%)
3 bed13 (9%)
Type of housing tenure
London Living Rent50 (35%)
Affordable Shared Ownership 94 (65%)

Lead campaign group:

Recent planning history:

The development viewed westwards along the railway lines
The view south towards West Ealing station from Argyle Road