Planning reference201695FUL
Date received24 April 2020
DescriptionDemolition of swimming pool, gym, car park, BMX track, skateboard park, playground and football pitches
Proposed useResidential, leisure centre (as above but minus football pitches) and retail space
Size of site13.2 ha
Number of buildings7
Building Height(s)6, 10, 13, 15, 15, 17 storeys
Leisure space12,995 m2
Commercial space480 m2
Number/type of housing units599 flats
1 bed263 (44%)
2 bed266 (44%)
3 bed37 (6%)
Type of housing tenure
London affordable: rented98 (16%)
Affordable: shared ownership98 (16%)
Private403 (67%)

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Recent planning history:

View of development eastwards along Ruislip Road East
All this on land that is supposed to have Green Belt-level protection
The Gurnell Leisure Centre as it is now on the Metropolitan Open Land site
The new housing-with-leisure-centre development destroying the open aspect of the site